
Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Crow’s Feet

Crow’s feet are also known as the worry lines that radiates from the side of the eyes. These lines are also called as aging lines and due to the stresses that we all are going through at this day and age, can make us look a lot older than our current ages.

The things that promote these lines are sun exposure, frequent squinting and smoking. One can prevent the crow’s lines by applying sunscreen, quitting smoking and wearing sunglasses and hats can avoid crow’s feet. Just remember that if you have crow’s lines, you can prevent the lines from getting worse.

The crow’s feet are very stubborn and you can deal with them at home if they are in the early stages. There are a lot of things with which you can help the crow’s lines to fade a little and the cheapest way to do that is to use the over the counter eye creams that have the ability to reduce the puffiness and fine lines.

These creams add a lot of moisture to the area of skin that has the crow’s lines because this skin area is much dry. There are people, who suggest that eating berries prevent premature aging because of its anti-oxidant properties, which include strawberries, cranberries, blueberries and raspberries are very beneficial to the skin.

You can also pay a visit to a professional cosmetologist or your doctor who will help you deal with this problem. There is a great deal of choices that you have to get the crow’s lines treated and this includes laser resurfacing, collagen injections and Botox treatments.

In the laser resurfacing, there is removal of the outer layers of the skin, which tightens up the skin and smoothes it, as well as fades the age spots and reduce the appearance of pores. After this treatment, you skin will be sensitive for several weeks and the post treatment recommendation includes the avoidance of sunlight.

You can also opt for the collagen injections, which would add fill out the wrinkles and smooth the skin surface resulting in the disappearance of the lines, which will give you a much younger look. The result of the collagen injections is not permanent and sometimes the effect disappears within weeks. The effect of collagen depends on your lifestyle, the quality of your skin and the genetics. So you must ask questions in detail from your doctor or the cosmetologist in detail to know the effectiveness of this treatment.

Botox is another very good treatment to remove the facial lines such as crow’s feet. The Botox injections work by causing temporary paralysis that weakens the muscles, which results in their relaxation and ultimately elimination of wrinkles. The effect will appear after a couple of weeks and persists for about three months.

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