
Saturday, 6 August 2011

How To Know If A Guy Likes You

I have listed down below the body language of men which will clearly indicate that he likes you or not. Body language of men - does he like you? The points below have been written keeping the level of relationship in mind. Each point is a progress in level.

Notice where he is staring:

Does he stare at you when you are away talking with your friends or doing something else for that matter? Guys tend to secretly stare at girls they admire and like. They try to watch what the girl does and the way she behaves. So if you find a man constantly staring whenever you pass by then chances are that the man likes you and is
attracted towards you.

The man's smile

How a man smiles at you can pretty much reveal his thoughts. Is it an informal smile or is it deeper. Does the smile last for a considerably longer time or does it get cut off just like a formal hello. Also watch the man's eyebrow. There is a raise and fall in the eyebrow when a man looks at a woman he likes.

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