
Saturday, 6 August 2011

Ring as a Symbol of Love

Starting from thousands of years ago, there is a legend said that wedding ring was first created, derived from leaves growing in a fertile land of the Nile river, than the leaves was braided in a circle as a symbol of the human life cycle with a hole in the middle as the symbol of the gateway to the future.

Because the leaves are not eternal in nature, then the materials for the ring were diverted to the simple iron plate. This Iron plate is believed by ancient Roman society as a symbol of eternal love.

In further confidence, if ring as a binder of eternal love is not only embraced by the Roman and Egyptian, but also started to adopt by western nations. Only, they began to "modify" the view of the simple iron plate become more attractive with materials making which began to diverse as silver, gold and even platinum. And the ring was no longer appear innocent, but slicked up with the meaning full rocks. These rocks represent a particular symbol in society. Ruby is a symbol of great love, emerald is full of hope in the future and diamonds that symbolize eternal love.Love is often expressed with flowers, chocolate, words, gifts, even in a more serious stage, love often expressed by a ring. When someone declares love with ring means he's very serious to do that, a statement which invites to live together forever. The declaration of love with ring usually done when the relationship has been happening since long time and want to continue to more serious stage.

The meaning wedding ring:
1. Wedding ring is a symbol of the bond of love applicable forever
2. Ring as a mark of the beginning of a relationship and explain the status of the wearer, as a couple of husband and wive
3. The form is round, symbolizing the endless wedding.
4. The Unique is the ring embedded in the ring finger as if talking to someone else, "Hey, leave me! Now, I've got a soul mate! "
5. Give a sense of 'close' to his partner even though separated by time and distance. In order to always remind to the couple.
6. Wedding ring as a symbol that a person already has a partner and not alone anymore

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