When you look in the mirror what do you see. Do you see the ugly duckling that is waiting to turn into a beautiful swan? Or do you see stick girl? Unfortunately, society tells us bigger is always better and has left those without... well, without. Beauty may only be skin deep but it's hard to let others see the beauty within when they are only willing to go skin deep. By having breast enhancement you might be able to let some of your inner beauty spill outward.
Breast enhancement might seem like an extreme way to make your outer self-match your inner beauty but it might be necessary. A human ego can only take so much rejection before the thoughts start going to "what is wrong with me."
The thing is, the rejection might not be out and out rejection. Often times it comes in the form of friends playfully telling you how small you are. In their minds they are just making a joke, nothing personal. But if they know it hurts your feeling s then the joke shouldn't be made, and they know it. Thus the rejection by an uncaring friend telling you, essentially, that you have faults that he or she is going to exploit for their own entertainment.
While there will be people in your life that will look beyond the lacking of certain features in order to know the real you, it's those few that will be with you forever. In order to show that you are the sum of your parts and then some breast enhancement is a way to get rid of the teasing point and move on with your life. The amount of self-esteem many women say they have gained after having this type of procedure done is phenomenal. For the first time in most of their lives these women were able to look in the mirror and see something they liked, themselves.
Breast enhancement surgery isn't for everyone. For ever dozen women who love their new look there is at least one that wishes she had taken more time to think things through. Before you make this decision talk to your doctor and see if this is the right choice for you. You shouldn't have this procedure if you are feeling pressured by someone else to do it. You shouldn't do this if you are over all happy with your body but want to shut up the naysayers. And you most certainly not do this for a job that you can get on your qualifications alone.
Breast enhancement is a wonderful way to bring that inner beauty out into the world. Even though they say beauty is only skin deep, sometimes inner beauty just needs a way to get out and shine on the world.
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