One of life's odd perceptions is the myth that the bigger the breasts the more attractive the woman. In fact Aphrodite (Greek), known as Venus in Latin, is regarded as the standard of feminine beauty. The Goddess of Love, Beauty and Sexual Rapture was actually of quite modest proportions at a 34" B cup, yet she was ecstasy personified; the epitome of femininity and allure. In the Iliad, Homer says: "When she (Helen) observed the beauty of Aphrodite's neck and her lovely breasts and sparkling eyes, she was struck with awe."
Harley Medical Group, the UK's largest cosmetic surgery provider, reveals that breast modification is taking up 30 percent of their operations and is by far the most popular procedure performed. Another modification is that of attitude: 75 percent of their clients request just a modest increase of one or two cup sizes.
Ski Slope Breasts
According to statistics released by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) more that 8.7 million put themselves under the knife in 2003. As this was an increase of 32 percent on the previous year it is estimated that there are now over 10 million cosmetic plastic surgery ops each year.
The procedure has become far more sophisticated with nature's imperfections being mimicked by those carrying out breast enhancement. The more natural lower profile implant is most favoured. The 'round high profile' gives the upper breast a more rounded appearance; contoured implants imitate the more natural ski slope shape of a woman's breast.
For men who cannot separate real beauty from marketing hype here are a few tips on spotting what is real and those benefiting from artificial enhancement. Most natural breasts are neither perfect orbs nor necessarily identical. Watch out for natural movement; they should flatten out to her posture and fall if she bends. Fake boobs defy gravity so may look like they are 'bubbling up.' Natural breasts have a ski slope contour descending to the nipple.
The Jiggle Factor
Because breast content is mostly fat there is a natural jiggle quality about them. If the ripple effect isn't present the plastic surgeon probable has been. Natural breasts should be about armpit height. If they look like flotation aids tucked under the lady's chin (or chins) do beware.
A wide cleavage is a giveaway too; unless the man with the scalpel has been particularly diligent and courageously inclined towards taking the kind of risks exposed to modifying her pectoral tendons. Remember the schoolboy joke about sheepdog bras: They round them up and point them in the right direction.
When gazing at the lady's interesting transparent top (of course you were) remember that nipples are seldom perfect. Sadly a bad boob job will often make imperfection even more obvious. After the operation they may not be pointing in the same or right direction. Another giveaway is their being outrageously disproportionate to the lady's body. If they're too big to be true they're probably untrue.
Helena Rubinstein, the pioneer of cosmetics, was once approached at a society event by a lady who inquired: 'Aren't you the lady who sells cosmetics?' The haughty beautician retorted. "No, I am the lady who sells dreams." Nothing much changes. ©
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