
Sunday, 31 July 2011

Get Rid of Severe Acne! Discover 6 Effective Acne Treatments

Do acne problems make you feel upset as you face the mirror every single day? Are you constantly avoiding the camera because you don't want to be reminded of this awkward stage in your life? Acne problems are initially regarded as a beauty issue but at the end of the day, getting smooth, supple skin is just part of the big picture. Acne can make a person's life miserable by tearing down his/her psychological grip.

How Can Acne Problem Affect the Sufferer?

Acne can definitely fluster a person's self-confidence. Most sufferers feel that they are not socially accepted because they feel ugly and think that people feel gross whenever they're around. Most sufferers avoid social interactions because of insecurity and anxiety, thinking that whatever they do, people will always have a shallow judgment and perception toward them.

It may seem overrated but acne problem is capable of making a person's life tough in many ways. It can cause great level of stress, sadness, low self-esteem and shattered self-image.

Effective Severe Acne Treatment

Be Aware of What Your Face Hates!

Be on look-out of the things that can irritate your face. Keep in mind that bacteria can make a way into your skin, making it even more damaged. It won't hurt to tie up your hair and not to touch your face without washing your hands first.

Eat Nutritious Foods and Live a Healthy Lifestyle

Stop smoking and lessen your habit of drinking coffee. Instead of junk food, why not start eating fruits and veggies? Change in your lifestyle. Eating nutritious foods helps the body excrete toxins. Do you know what's more interesting? Accumulation of toxins in the body may cause constipation, and constipation can worsen your acne.

Sleep Early and Take Enough Rest

As you get enough rest and sleep, your skin will also have sufficient time to repair itself. This can also provide remedy to dark circles and wrinkles. Consequently, sleeping late may cause oily skin which leads to acne problems.

Over-the-Counter Products

Severe Acne Treatments also include applying over-the-counter products like benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, resorcinol, sulfur and a mix of alcohol and acetone. These substances must be applied after washing your face with mild facial cleansers. Use mild moisturizer to bring back the right amount of moisture to your skin. Take note that over-the-counter meds leaves the skin dry and flaky.

Acne Surgery

This severe acne treatment must be performed by a dermatologist. Here's the good news. Almost all cases can be treated. However, the duration of treatment will depend on the severity of your case. The golden rule is not to pick or squeeze your acne to prevent infections.

Laser Therapy

Laser therapy as severe acne treatment is obviously expensive. But aside from getting yourself ready financially, prepare your mind as well.

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