
Sunday, 31 July 2011

Protect Your Skin With Sunless Tanning

If you happen to have sensitive fair skin that burns really easily, or if you just want to get a jump-start on your color because of the late start to summer everyone seems to be having, a sunless tanning solution may be for you. This article will help you navigate this confusing style trend and help you find out if sunless tanning products are a good fit for you

First, it is important to note why sunless tanning is an important alternative to natural tanning. Depending on your skin's natural tone and sensitivity, even fifteen minutes in the direct sunlight can lead to painful burns that not only peel and look unsightly, but also can have lasting negative effects on your health in the forms of permanent discoloration, infection, or even skin cancer.

These sunless tanning products allow you to achieve a sun-tanned look by yourself, or if you choose you can go to a tanning salon or local spa where they will be happy to charge you for this look. This option completely avoids overexposure to the sun's rays because the color is achieved through an ingredient that darkens the top layer of dead skin cells that already exists on your body. Because your skin is constantly shedding these dead skin cells, within a few days or weeks a sunless product will need to be reapplied to ensure you keep a dark appearance. It is also important to note that most sunless products do not contain any sort of sun protection, which means that you should remember to apply a sunscreen product to stay healthy when going outside.

The quality of these "fake" or sunless tanning solutions has improved dramatically over the past few years. Many people may associate these products with someone they know that was unable to match a product's color with their skin in a believable way, which gave the person's skin an orange appearance that seemed artificial. Today these products, which come in various lotions, sprays, and creams, often come in different colors depending on the natural shade of your skin, making it easier to match a color to a look you are trying to achieve.

Sunless tanning pills are a recent development which some may consider an option. These pills are relatively new however, and have not been officially supported by the Food and Drug Administration, meaning most people will want to wait a few years before trying this particular option.

Richard Bonn is the SEO Strategist behind Awesome Medical. Awesome Medical is the World's Largest Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery Network

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