
Saturday, 6 August 2011

Best Seller Gujarati Books

Books are resource of knowledge. Books are our best friends. In free time when no one with us at that time Books are become our friend. It is a great source of enjoyment and the best means of utilize time. Every book that a person reads leaves a deep impression on him. Books will never cheat us. Books give information about everything. Now a day most of the children are sitting in front of TV. Every program is not so good. So children pursue bad habit by watching T.V. Children watch these low quality serials, movies - with excess of action, movies which show violence. To deter this activity a child getting addicted to TV- inculcates the habit of reading. Give them good humor books. So they can enjoy and get some knowledge with it. There are so many good author books are available in the market.

Reading also keeps your brain healthy. A man needs a good friend. A book is as like as friend. Book reading is good time pass in the traveling. He never feels bored. He feels happy in the reading. Reading gives the kind of pleasure. Some books we read simple for pleasure and amusement for example, good novels and books of imagination must have their place in every body's reading.

Generally we read this type of books for the knowledge and refreshment:
Navalkatha, Short Stories, Drama, Essay - Article, Poems, Vivechan, Biography, Travel, Health, Inspirational, Palmistry, Translations, Vastusashtra, General Knowledge, English Education, Dictionary, Sex Education, Gujarati Education, Female Related,Comics,Child Care.

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