Despite all the abnormal use of sexual relationships in the world today, the beauty and joy of sexual love originated and designed by God cannot fade away. One of the entire processes of becoming one as a couple is through a sexual relationship. There is joy and fulfillment in it especially when it is done within the wall of marriage.
In some churches today, sexual love is considered an area so sacred, and thereby must not be talked about, discussed, or touched in our sermon or highly emphasized. Yet, this has been one of the areas where the devil has been attacking our homes. And I suppose we have to deal with this issue from a different angle. As the saying goes, where the enemy attacks you, there you attack him most.
Broken marriages are not the plans of God they are the designs of men. Some pastors and teachers of God's word avoid speaking about sex on the pulpit, forgotten that this have been the heart cry of so many who could not enjoy their spouses in marriage. God did not make mistake by making man both male and female. It will do us a lot of good to understand that God who instituted marriage has a beautiful plan for us regarding the area of sex. Therefore, one of the ways to enjoy your marriage is through sexual intimacy between you and your spouse.
You must understand that your body is not your own. It belongs to God who made you. You are not permitted to use it as you want. Imagine you hiring a car and you want to change the color of that car without the consent of the owner. I guess that might put you into a fresh trouble and queries.
Likewise, your body is not what you can use as you like. Any illicit sex with a man or woman outside marriage is considered immoral and sinful. It is unlawful, destructive and an abuse to your own body as well. Therefore, you must understand the purpose of your body, it actually belongs to God. So one of the ways you can respect God and your body, is to stay away from any immoral act, keep yourself pure, clean and be far from affairs outside your home.
However, if you are a single, this should not be an opportunity misused. But rather an opportunity to prepare yourself for the future and plan your goals in life.
What do you think the government will do if a man is being charged with credit card fraud? Refund, prison or locked up? I guess one will do. But how about if God charges you with marriage fraud? God says it is a fraud when you use your body as a man or woman in sexual intimacy outside your matrimonial home. You are regarded as far as God is concern a fraudster of marriage.
Therefore it is your responsibilities as a man or woman to keep your body pure, sacred and special for your spouse only. That is marital fidelity. You must not deprive or defraud your spouse for whatever reason. When your spouse is been deprived of his or her sexual need or conjugal right, the beauty of marriage is mixed up with both bitterness and hatred. The man or the woman will be seeking for an opportunity to revenge, either by doing the same thing, or the worst thing. But when you understand that the body is not yours, it takes no effort or struggle to yield yourself to your spouse when occasion demands.
Marriage has boundaries. As long as you are both joined together as one, you and your spouse must live within the boundaries of your marriage. Once you are joined together your bodies belong to each other. And none of you has any right over his or her body. You own equal rights over each others' body.
Therefore, going out of the wall of your marriage to defraud another man's wife or husband is a move beyond your boundaries. Even when the person you are defrauding is a single, you are already defrauding God who is preparing that woman for another man, and that man for another woman in future marriage.
You are only permitted to rule within the context of your boundaries. (i.e. you and your spouse). Don't peep, sneak or snitch. Your boundary walls will always give a sign that you have been warned.
PUTTING AWAY- A serious issue.
When there is repeated refusal of conjugal sex in a marriage, couples are already digging the foundation of divorce. Depriving, denying or starving each other on the issue of sexual love is the greatest crime ever committed. Even God will not overlook it. Some men punished their wives by going all about with girlfriends. They let their wives see how better those ladies can be than them. They hide behind jobs, complaining of hectic day, extra time, night duties and some other tactics of immoral men. They often show that they are not interested in the woman as there are alternatives and many options. The man spends several nights outside hiding behind night duties without considering the woman's feeling and emotion.
On the other hand, some women have punished their husbands severely in this area as well. They feel that it is an opportunity to catch the man. He begs and begs for him to have a taste of his right.
On the other hand, some women have punished their husband severely in this area as well. They often feel that is an opportunity to catch the man. Some even demands for instant cash if the man must have a taste. So he begs continually for him to have a feel or taste of his conjugal right. Even when she finally admits after much complains, terms and conditions, the man is very frustrated doing it. Why? Because it is so cold and dry, nothing is enjoyable. He is the only performer. He jacks with all frustrations and depressions, feeling enslaved to sex.
When this continues in a man's life, it is called "defrauding and depriving". It is a fraud. Not because you steal some cash but because you are depriving each other. The secret of marriage happiness lies in understanding that your bodies are meant for each other.
married people who are seeking for fulfillment in their love life, relationship & home. We are committed to give you godly counsel, advice and support necessary to achieve your dreams & goals in your relationship and home.
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