
Monday 22 August 2011

Finding Your Skin Type

the difference in choosing various skin creams and treatments. Make a mistake and buy the wrong product for your skin types and often you can do more harm than good. In this quick beauty tip, you will learn how to identify your specific skin type. This way you can buy products that directly relate to your skin type.

The type of skin you have can vary, but it directly relates to the activity of sebaceous or oil producing glands. Some skin produces an abundance of oils, and others not enough. As stated at the Beauty Cosmetic Guide here are your various skin types.

Normal Skin: Balanced Skin. It is neither oily nor dry. It has a translucent, soft, smooth texture and a healthy glow.
Dry Skin: The subaceous glands are less active. The skin lacks both oil and moisture. It is fine textured and fragile as it is vulnerable to changes to temperature and humidity. It flakes easily and develops early lines and wrinkles.
Oily Skin: The subaceous glands are over active. The skin has a greasy shine. The texture is coarse due to enlarged pores. It is prone to clogged pores, blackheads, pimples and acne.
Sensitive Skin: Sensitive skin can be easily irritated. Typical reactions are itching, burning, chafing and stinging. After a wash a wash it feels dry and itchy in places. By midday there are flaky patches and some redness. Occasionally break out in spots.
Combination Skin: The skin has a greasy area, while surrounding areas are dry. The T-zone consists of forehead, nose and chin are usually greasy. The cheeks and area around eyes are dry. This is the most common skin type.

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