
Monday 22 August 2011

Natural Beauty Tips

Beauty is God given but the responsibility of maintaining what we are endowed with befalls on us. Our skin gets damaged with age, stress and exposure to environmental pollution. Sun rays can cause havoc on our skin and with the depleting Ozone layer the harmful UV rays are directly penetrating into our skin. As a result of it we are facing skin problems like-tanning, premature aging, black spots, redness and blotches. All these are making us look older than we actually are. It therefore becomes important to take care of your skin for healthy, radiant look.

The way you look has a big role to play on the way you feel. If you are confident about your appearance you are more likely to feel more confident in your ways too. Healthy skin is therefore an essential for beauty. Nothing can compare the brilliance of healthy, radiant skin.

There are now plenty of beauty treatments available in the market but often these are costly as well as time consuming. At time you may even have to set an appointment with your beautician prior to visit the beauty parlor. Further, the newly discovered surgical and chemical beauty treatments can have side effects in the long run. Nature on the other hand is blessed with many ingredients that are being used to enhance beauty for a long time.

Since the ancient time women have used natural ingredients in enhancing their beauties. Natural ingredients are often inexpensive, without side effects and also they can be prepared and applied at home. Following are some of the natural beauty tips which you can make and use at your home.

Skin care: Natural beauty tips
The nature is endowed with many natural ingredients that can be used to get brilliant skin tone. There are natural facemasks, cleansers and scrubs which can be used in daily beauty regimen. Check out the following natural beauty recipes for skin.

Kiwi Facial Cleansing Cream

This natural cleansing cream can be used regularly without side effects. This will deep clean the skin, remove dirt and dust from it and leave the skin really soft and supple.
  • 1 kiwi peeled; take the pulp only
  • 2 tablespoon of plain yogurt
  • 1 tablespoon of almond oil
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • finely ground almonds, 1 teaspoon

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